If you don't see the answer to your question here,

contact us at sales@trailkeg.com!

What is the meaning of life?

To share quality time with family and friends. And to do that outside, in the beauty of nature, while sharing a great local craft beer or homebrew creation.

Where can I find the TrailKeg instruction guide or manual?

Click here to download the new TrailKeg Instruction Guide!

What type of CO2 should I use?

Use threaded (3/8x24) 16gram CO2 cartridges. We recommend food grade since food grade cartridges are cleaned more thoroughly during the manufacturing process. Cartridges that are not food grade will have traces of oils in the CO2 that create an off flavor. Of course you can always buy them here from us.

How long will a CO2 cartridge last?

A 16gram CO2 cartridge will dispense slightly more than two 64oz growlers if no CO2 is vented or leaked during usage.

Do I need to leave the regulator connected at all times?

Not at all. Both the regulator and your TrailKeg will seal when they are disconnected. You can even dispense without connecting the regulator. Only time it needs to be connected is when you are adding pressure to the growler.

I'm getting alot of foam when I dispense. How do I correct this?

Different beers have different dispense pressures. If you're getting foam, start by dropping the dispense pressure to around 5psi. You may also need to let the beer settle if it has been shaken recently (during transport). As well, if the beer has been stored at a higher PSI (store an IPA at 15psi over night, you'll have alot of foam), the beer could be over carbonated.

I think I may not be getting a good seal somewhere. What should I do?

Spray water on all connection points, including where the lid seals with the growler. Look for bubbles. You can also pressurize a completely empty growler and completely submerge it in water, it just uses more CO2 in the process.

Can I bottle condition in my TrailKeg?

Yes! Before keg conditioning ensure your TrailKeg is leak free. To test for leaks, fill the keg up completely with water, pressurize to 10 PSI turn upside down and look for drips. To keg condition your homebrew you can siphon directly into the TrailKeg and add priming sugar. It is best to calculate the amount of priming sugar needed based on the beer style and desired carbonation level using a calculator like this. Just like a full size keg, the dip tube extends to the bottom of the keg and might pick up some sediment on the first half glass or so. Once you've filled the keg with the beer and priming sugar, screw the lid securely on the TrailKeg. Do NOT keg condition with the tap or the regulator attached. Store the keg in a 70-72 degree environment while it conditions(1-2 weeks).

Can I force carbonate in my TrailKeg?

Yes! If you want to carbonate your homebrewed creations faster than keg conditioning you can force carbonate directly in the TrailKeg. To force carbonate, siphon your beer into the TrailKeg then screw on the lid tightly. Attach your regulator and set the pressure to the desired setting. Use a chart like this to determine the correct PSI based on the beer style and refrigerator temperature. Place the keg in your refrigerator with the regulator attached. Depending on the volume and style of beer it could take more than 1 CO2 cartridge to fully carbonate and should take 2-3 days. To speed up the process you can occasionally shake the TrailKeg.

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